Missa Magnificat

Welcome to this website! I am Hugo Adrián Ordóñez, a passionate Mexican composer with over 30 years of experience in the world of music.

My current project is the creation of a magnificent Mass and its realization in two stages.

In the first stage, I will use virtual instruments to bring a demo to life in mp3 format and show you how every note and harmony of this sacred work will sound. Technology and my musical skills will ensure exceptional sound quality.

In the second stage, once the virtual version of the Mass is complete, I will need the support of the community to raise funds and record it with talented musicians and artists. This select group will include soloists with a wide vocal range and expressiveness, a classical choir that will add strength and solemnity to the melodies, and a symphony orchestra that will enrich the musical experience with its grandeur.


Parts of the Mass

Virtual Instrument Composition

Experience the beauty of liturgical music through compositions created with virtual instruments. Immerse yourself in the rich melodies and harmonies that evoke the spirit of the past.

I. Kyrie

II. Gloria

II. Salmo

IV. Sanctus

V. Benedictus

VI. Agnus Dei

Implementation plan


On this occasion, I have the honor of presenting to you this great and beautiful project: the creation of a magnificent Mass. My goal is to carry out this special Mass in 2 stages:

Using a combination of virtual instruments.

Through technology and musical mastery, I will bring the demo to life in mp3 format, showcasing how each note and harmony that make up this sacred work will sound. The use of virtual instruments will allow me to convey the essence of the project and ensure exceptional sound quality.

Talented real musicians.

Once the Mass is complete in its virtual version, I will seek the support of the community to raise funds and record it with a group of exceptional musicians and artists.

This select group of musicians will include soloists with a wide vocal range and expressiveness, a classical choir that will add strength and solemnity to the melodies, and a symphony orchestra that will enrich the musical experience with its grandeur.

My vision goes beyond studio recording. It would be wonderful to bring this magnificent Mass to live performances in parishes, churches, cathedrals, and even concert halls. I want to create awareness and magical, moving moments for the audience, where they can immerse themselves in the beauty and spirituality of the music. Live performances will allow this masterpiece to be experienced in a unique way, conveying deep emotions, and above all, expressing and promoting great respect and love for Catholicism, thus leaving an indelible mark in the memory and consciousness of each spectator.

Through this website, you will be able to fully explore every detail and progress of the project. You will also find information about this exciting project and details on how you can contribute and be part of this exceptional musical experience. Your support will be essential to make this dream come true and take the music to new heights.

I invite you to immerse yourself in the world of composition, creativity, and spirituality through music. Join me on this journey, where together we will create a masterpiece that will transcend time and space.

If you wish to support the project, go to the three-bar menu, top left corner, "STORE," where you can make your donation, which will be of enormous help in achieving this great purpose.

Sponsorships and Support

Dear friends,

Greetings from missa.website! We are pleased to share with you our exciting project: the creation and recording of an original composition for a Mass. In this ambitious endeavor, we aim to take sacred music to new heights and convey messages of peace, hope, and devotion through our notes and harmonies.

Our mission is to create a moving and transcendent musical experience, and to achieve this, we have a team of talented and passionate musicians. The Mass will be recorded using virtual instruments, allowing us to achieve exceptional quality and unmatched richness in sound.

To successfully carry out this project, we need your support, sponsorship, and donations. Each contribution brings us one step closer to achieving our goal and sharing this musical masterpiece with the world.

If you or your company would like to be part of this beautiful project and support sacred music, we invite you to consider the possibility of collaborating with us. Your generosity will allow us to fulfill our dreams and bring the beauty and spirituality of this original Mass to all who will appreciate it.

No matter the size of your contribution, each donation is valuable and appreciated. In return, we offer acknowledgments on our website, special mentions on our social media, and the opportunity to witness the live recording.

The donation buttons display pre-set amounts for support, but if those amounts do not fit your consideration, you can find the "manual" payment option that allows you to contribute from $1 (USA dollar) to any amount you estimate.

Thank you for considering joining us in this exciting musical adventure! Together, we can make sacred music an unforgettable experience for everyone.

For more details on how to support us, do not hesitate to contact us through the WhatsApp button on our website. We hope to have your valuable support and be part of this exciting project together!

With gratitude and enthusiasm!

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